BRCF Awards $12,650 to the Camrose Public Library

The Battle River Community Foundation awarded a $12,650 grant to the Camrose Public Library. Battle River Community Foundation Past Chairman Blain Fowler presents the cheque to Alyssa Martin, Library Director.

The grant is from the Ross and Denise Irving Fund which directs investment income be granted to the Camrose Public Library to be used at the discretion of the Library Board.

The Battle River Community Foundation exists to support organizations such as the Camrose Public Library in East Central Alberta, which benefit the local communities and have a positive impact on the future.

Grants from the Battle River Community Foundation are primarily made possible through the generosity of individual donors and organizations that have created endowment funds.  The principal of these endowment funds are kept intact and the income is made available annually to support local projects and organizations.

Since it was founded in 1995, the Battle River Community Foundation has granted over $7,900,000 to support charitable activities in the Battle River Region.